Sedimentation Control Pond for Coal Mines in Alabama
Provide geospatial data on the location of pollution control structures for Alabama coal mines
ground condition
Sale or redistribution of this data is prohibited unless authorized in writing by ASMC
PO Box 2390
Attribute accuracy is checked continuously and is near 100%
USGS 24000 scale Quadrangle Map or better
Pond boundaries are digitized from mine maps using AutoCad by Registered Professional Engineers. CAD drawings are converted to ESRI shapefile format using ArcGIS
PO Box 2390
Internal feature number.
Feature geometry.
ASMC Permit number and revision number if applicable
Length of feature in internal units.
Area of feature in internal units squared.
ASMC Unique Permit Number
PNUM- The ASMC permit number and Revision number if applicable
PERMIT_NO- The ASMC Permit Number
Shape_Length- Perimeter of the Polygon
Shape_Area- Area of the polygon feature in square meters
PO Box 2390